AARI Common forest
We have created an easy way for forest owners to own forests and enjoy recreational values and annual returns while being freed from the burden of management. For this purpose, AARI Yhteismetsä has been established.
AARI Common forest is a forest area owned and managed by its shareholders, consisting of multiple forest properties. The goal of the joint forest is sustainably managed forests that enable stable and secure ownership. AARI Common forest is professionally managed by AARI Forest Oy and a management committee
AARI Common Forest shareholders are the owners of the cooperative properties, who together form the shareholders' association. Decision-making power is exercised by the shareholders' meeting and the management board. AARI Common Forest can be grown and managed as a large entity, which makes the operation more affordable in terms of forestry compared to smaller forest areas.
Why choose AARI Jointly Owned forest?
AARI Forest Oy is an independent, impartial, and active pioneer in the forestry sector, with AARI Common forest, established in 2020, at the core of its operations. We have the best experts, tools, and expertise to increase the value of your forest now and in the future. We practice responsible forestry by combining natural values, today's income needs, and future value development. Our operations are clear and measurable, ensuring that as our client, you always know the status of your forest.
AARI lukuina 31.12.2024
Total area
6.103 ha
Market value
32.350.000 €
Growing stock
633.600 m3
(114 m3/forest land ha)
Yearly growing stock
~28.818 m3
5,2 m3/ha
Value per share
13.752 €
Voitto-osuus 2024:
550 € / osuus
Minimum investment 50 000 EUR

The forest as an investment target
We at AARI Common Forest and AARI Forest see forests as a good investment target, because wood is a basic commodity that is needed, e.g. for construction and, to an ever-increasing extent, also for packaging materials -wood has a stable demand now and in the future.
Forest has been shown to have a low correlation with many other asset classes and offers an exceptional low-risk investment with competitive returns. Logging is flexible according to the demand for wood, which reduces price fluctuations. In addition, forest land is a fixed asset that retains its value during rising inflation and economic crises.
Profit calculation
31.10.2020 | 31.12.2020 | 1.7.2021 | 31.12.2021 | 1.7.2022 | 31.12.2022 | 1.7.2023 | 31.12.2023 | 1.7.2024 | 31.12.2024 | |
Area | 650 ha | 1 523 ha | 2 329 ha | 2 329 ha | 4790 ha | 4 682 ha | 5330 ha | 5640 ha | 5992 ha | 6103 ha |
Forest land | 597 ha | 1 457 ha | 2 228 ha | 2 228 ha | 4 274 ha | 4 195 ha | 4 800 ha | 5 092 ha | 5419 ha | 5542 ha |
Value per share | 10 000€ | 10 288€ | 10 732€ | 11 470€ | 11 609€ | 12 590€ | 12 654€ | 13 113€ | 13 182€ | 13 753€ |
Annual profit | 12,5 % | 11,5 % | 12,7 % | 11,9% | 11,1% | 10,7 % | 10,4% |
Cumulative share value
Tax-free profit share EUR/share
2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Profit share | 370€ | 470€ | 520€ | 550€ |
More information?
Balance is the key
Forests are an immeasurably valuable natural resource for Finland and play a key role in the economy, nature conservation and culture. It is our job to take care of them so that future generations can enjoy them too.
At the core of sustainable development is balance. We wanted to create a way to own and manage forests where four key values of sustainable development meet: economic returns, carbon sinks, biodiversity protection and recreational values. Taking these factors into account in a balanced way is what ensures forests have a sustainable future.

Read Kaisa's story (FI)
AARI was chosen upon for two reasons. AARI Common forest was ready to invest in protected forest as well, and the their professionalism convinced me.
Sustainable forestry
AARI Yhteismetsässä huolehdimme luontoarvojen säilyttämisestä ja pyrimme käsittelemään sertifiointirajojen yli. Käytössämme on AARI+ konsepti, jossa jokaista käsiteltävää hehtaaria kohden suojelemme luonnon monimuotoisuuden kannalta arvokkaimman aarin. Lisäksi käytämme monipuolisesti eri metsänkäsittelymenetelmiä painottaen sekametsän kasvatusta ja suosien metsän peitteisyyttä.
Our operations take into account the environment, people and the economy, as is part of the principles of sustainable development. We cooperate with local hunting clubs and come up with ideas for recreational use of the forest.
For whom AARI Common Forest is suitable
AARI Common Forest is suitable for forest owners who want to free up time from management, but still enjoy forest property and recreational use. AARI Common Forest is also suitable for an investor who wants to invest in a sustainable and domestic property. AARI Common Forest pays the annual surplus, which is tax-free income for the shareholder. AARI Common Forest is a worthwhile investment, where the property is actively managed.
Becoming a shareholder in the AARI jointly owned forest
Joining AARI Common forest is easy and effortless, and not having a property is actually not even an obstacle as we can acquire it for you.
You can also get to know LähiTapiola Common forest, which we manage according to the same principles.

If you are interested in AARI Common Forest please complete the form and we will contact you without delay!
AARI - forerunner in forestry
The AARI team is made up of highly experienced and competent forest professionals (www.conifer.fi), who have excellent results and high customer satisfaction from the management and maintenance of over 110,000 hectares of forest assets on behalf of Finnish pension investors, foundations and collective forests. AARI, together with its partner Conifer Consulting Oy, is Finland's largest independent forest property management company.
Our key operating principle is to combine researched information, the best tools and field expertise in forest management in a way that results are measurable and open to the public. Transparency, research, development and cooperation are important values for us. We are constantly cooperating with various research groups to develop better methods of forest management and protection.