Forest sale

We are Finland's leading buyer of forest properties with an annual volume of approximately 70MEUR.

More than 100 000 forest hectares under management.

Sell your forest to us - hassle and commission free

Sell your forest property to us - smoothly and reliably without any commissions. There may be a significant amount of capital tied to your forest property that you could have other uses for. With the AARI Forest Deal service, you can easily find a good new home for your forest property at a fair market price and always without comission fees. Our procurement area is the whole of Finland and all forest properties we buy will remain under domestic management.

Forests are an immeasurably valuable natural resource for Finland and should be taken good care of. When you sell your forest property to us, you can be sure that your forest is in skilled hands and will be managed sustainably. We purchase forest holdigns for our institutional investment clients with a long investment horizon. Our customers include AARI Common Forest, the Sailors' Pension Fund and the Church Pension Fund, which are united by long-term, responsible and domestic ownership. This ensures sensible forest management that takes into account the many values of the forest.

Why sell to us?

Our price quotations are always market-based, transparent and fair.

Hassle and commission free.

Your forest will have a bright and sustainable future under our certified professional management.

Selling your forest commission free

You will receive a quick and free price estimate for your forest property as a basis for the discussion. When you decide to proceed with the sale, our professional will make an updated estimate based on the field survey and stand analyzes. We are the largest buyers of forest holdings in the public forest holdings market and our offer is based on objective long-term price data. This way you will always get a fair and equitable price for your forest property. When you sell to us, we always make the deal without a commission. We take care of everything related to the transaction, all you have to do is make a decision on the sale and sign the deal yourself or power of attorney.

The sales process - step by step

  1. Get in touch with the form below or give us a call.
  2. You will get our preliminary bid based on remote analysis.
  3. If you are pleased the the bid, we will conduct a field survey and give you an updated offer.
  4. When the deal is agreed, we will prepare the sale and other documents.
  5. Signing can be done at a location of your choice or via electronic signature services.
  6. The whole transaction amount is paid in full immediately at signing.

How is the value of your forest calculated?

We always use the return value method when pricing forest holdings, which takes into account the future growth and yield of the forest. In this way, the individual characteristics of your forest property will be taken into account in the value estimation. The good price we offer on growing forest property always far exceeds the value of the growing stock.

Metsäsi siirtyy kauttamme hyvään kotiin. Toteutamme metsänhoidon aina kestävien metsän­hoito­periaatteidemme mukaisesti. Metsän yksilöllisten vaatimusten mukaisesti ja suosien peitteellistä metsän­kasvatusta, jolla edistämme myös luonnon moni­muotoisuutta ja hiilen­sidontakykyä. Kauttamme vuonna 2022 uuden omistajan löysi yli 70 miljoonan euron edestä metsätiloja. Tavoitteenamme on kasvattaa ostettujen tilojen määrää entisestään vuonna 2023.

Are you interested in selling forest? Fill out the form and we will contact you soon.

Can be for example 123-123-1234-1234 or 12-12-1-1

You can also email us [email protected] or call 044 4914207